BEST Behavior Expectations | Normas de comportamiento del KBE
KBE students are...
... Respectful
... Responsible
... and Safe
Discipline in General:
Children are a work in progress. Throughout the year we will be teaching appropriate behavior and unacceptable behavior. Consequences are part of this process and parent support is required. Our absolutes that will not be tolerated: Fighting or purposefully hurting another, harassment or bullying, defiance of adult request, vandalizing or stealing. We consider an act to be “bullying” to be intentionally aggressive behavior, repeated over time, that involves an imbalance of power. This is not tolerated.
KBE Behavioral Rules and Expectations for Students
KBE Students |
Kind & Respectful |
Safe |
Responsible |
Arrival in the Morning |
Playground |
Classrooms |
Hallways |
Bathrooms |
Cafeteria |
Dismissal after School |
Política disciplinaria y sistema de comportamiento en toda la escuela
En la primaria Kings Beach somos: ¡amables, respetuosos, seguros y responsables! Para nuestros estudiantes, pedimos que cada día que estén en la escuela se esfuercen por hacer lo que se indica a continuación:
Normas de comportamiento del KBE y las expectativas para los estudiantes
Estudiantes KBE |
Amable y Respetuoso |
Seguros |
Responsables |
Llegada por la mañana |
Patio de Recreo |
Salones de clase |
Pasillos |
Baños |
Cafetería |
Salida después de la escuela |